Are you at home in the sanctuary of your truth?During these times of great earth changes, now as never before my dear friends, we must dwell in the sanctuary of our own truth. It doesn't matter where you are on the path to peace, freedom and truth. Our moment is now!
Read MoreIn the light and with this new sight comes extraordinary opportunities. There have been four industrial revolutions to date: coal and gas, electronics and nuclear, the internet and renewable energy, and now artificial and general intelligence. We have entered a golden era. Yet, we have never faced greater challenges.
Read MoreAs we walk boldly together into a new era, I invite you to take a moment to reflect upon a few pressing events: Human to Human - 1) Global Events, War, Climate and Pandemic all point to the birth of a new world order. Genius to Genius - 2) Mind Shift; A Crisis of Consciousness. Often during periods of great change we become fixated on events that are “outside” of ourselves. Heart to Heart - 3) New Story, the forces of the dark, which in biblical speak is the ‘antichrist’ has presented itself in war and elsewhere.
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