Are you an Aspirant or a Disciple?
Are you an Aspirant or a Disciple?
Video transcription:
Hello, my friends. There is so much to know when one becomes a seeker of truth and as the great earth keeper Rza once pointed out, there is a big difference between the fledgling aspirant and the disciple. The aspirant is, well, the experiencer experiencing form and matter, stuck in the duality of life, unreflective and unaware of others, only well focused on the narcissistic self. Sounds familiar? The disciple on the other hand, is the observer having come to an end of experiencing life with no reflection. The former being like a snake who never sheds its skin. And the latter one who sheds her skin all at once effortlessly. And at this point in time in your life, which are you, the aspirin or the disciple? And where are you? Are you in the jungles of chaos? Are you opening to what's possible? Are you on the path to your truth?
Well, wherever you are, it doesn't matter. What matters most is that you are asking curious and important questions, and you're finding some peace in your life, some joyfulness, because life is way too important to take seriously, after all. And personally, I have found that life is not about making the same old mistakes. It's about making new ones. Why not? It keeps it new. It keeps everything young. And I've done a lot of this, my friends, and still am even at the ripe old age of 63. We all make mistakes, and it's those very mistakes that are the ones that set us free. We can be trapped forever or we can be freed forever. It's just a matter of choice. Well, blessings. And may your journey on the path be full of all that you dream.
Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.
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