Are you a supernova?
Are you a Supernova?
Video transcription:
Hello, my friends. I have a big question today. Are you a super nova of light and love? Are you dimmed in the shadows of pain or plain, small and a sky full of sparkles and light?
I used to try that and it didn't work particularly well, and none of us were given more or less of this God-given life, of life and love. None of us were being asked to hide away in some far away galaxy. None of us, we were all meant to belong. We were all born with the glory of God, in our heart and in our soul. And from the twinkle in your eye to the beating of your heart, you are meant to shine. We're all meant to shine.
And as you are liberated from your pain, your presence just lights the places within all of our hearts and all of the people that are asking for shelter from the darkness of the night. So together, my friends, we get to shine our light. We can liberate ourselves from this journey that seemingly sometimes makes us feel like, my God, I got to run and hide. My God, I got to be something else - my mother, my father.
But today I invite us to celebrate this supernova light that's alive within you, within me, within this beautiful garden in which we all live called planet Earth, the Pache Mama. So, may your path along the way as an earth keeper inspire you to shine and love as never before. Blessings to you and Godspeed.
Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.
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