Big and Small Moments
Big and small moments
Video transcript:
Hello my friends. It's nice to be here with you again. I decided to migrate down to South America for a little midwinter tuneup. I'm here just outside of Santiago at a beautiful, beautiful retreat center of my dear friends, Alberto and Marsala. And I wanted to just share with you a quick little special moment I had as I was walking down to teach a class.
As I was going down this steps, there was a flowery bush and it was full of bees. I just decided to put my head in there and feel the hive swarming around. Ultimately, (feel) all the honey that comes from these very special places during these very special time in my own personal life. And a few steps later, I was greeted by the hummingbird. They have the biggest hummingbirds down here in South America. And then I heard a voice and the voice says, Adam, this is a big talk in a small moment.
And I said, well, what's that all about? Well, it's a big talk because it's about the rest of our lives, and it's just a small moment because it's just a blip in time. And even this talk is just a blip within the blip. And then I heard when I was listening to the children that were playing as I was walking into the classroom, the joy of them and the screams that were really the biggest things in life are the smallest things.
So today, I celebrate the small things that we all get to share and know that they are so many ways the biggest things. Bless you. Hope you're well and more soon. Bye-Bye for now.
Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.
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