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Transformational Guidance for Individuals, Business Leaders and Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Serving People, Planet and Business since 2007


The greatest technology and processor ever known resides in the heart. Nothing will ever replicate it nor command it….unless you let it.

I place the highest value upon the Conservation of our planet. Working together we can Preserve our shared humanity. With a map and plan we can Restore our indelible nature as people who create peace, love, joy and abundance for ourselves and others.

I look forward to exploring how we can administer CPR transform your life and serve the planet.


Where Science, Spirituality, Shamanism and Service Meet Universal Wisdom


What is your Mission?

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“Adam’s book, Divine Genius, the Unlearning Curve is a consciousness template to apply Quantum Physics in real life. He helps the reader rise above disempowering programs to manifest our intentions and thrive into the future. I highly recommend it as a guide to free ourselves by freeing our minds.”

-Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., epigenetic science pioneer, and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief

Quantum Human: an EarthKeeper who serves humanity and earth by balancing the body, heart, mind, spirit and soul. 

Coaching and Stewardship Training for the next and best version of yourself. Discover practical and pragmatic tools to effectively share your gifts and genius.

If you are looking for business expertise combined  with science based understandings and perennial philosophical wisdom teachings, our programs can help you with the next phase of your journey to success and fulfillment. 


Discover your Mission, Create Impact, and Find Solutions to some of Life’s greatest challenges with these Free Classes.

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Everyone will face life changing events in the coming weeks and months. Discover your Sacred Mission to Thrive, Love and find Peace. 

 EarthKeeper: One who serves humanity and earth by activating their sacred mission.

Follow your Dreams, Live your Passion, Be your Epic
